USB PS19 Laser Power Sensor - 1 Watt

Item #: COH1174261
Regular price: $2,255.00

Product Description

USB PS19 Laser Power Sensor, 1 watts continuous.

The PowerMax-USB sensors provide plug and play laser power measurement directly on a PC without the need for additional electronic instrumentation. PowerMax PC application software is included with the USB sensor.

PS19 Specifications

Wavelength Range
300 - 11000 nm
Power Range
100μW to 1W
Intermittent Power
3W <5min
Maximum Power Density
500 W/cm2
Maximum Energy Density
50 mJ/cm2 10ns @ 1064nm
Active Area Diameter
19 mm
Calibration Wavelength
514 nm
Calibration Uncertainty
Response Time
1.6 sec
Detector Coating
Ø84 x 48 mm

PS19 Laser Power Meter Sensor for use with FieldMate, FieldMaxII TO, FieldMaxII TOP, LabMax Touch, and LabMax Touch Pro

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